Diet and nutrition advice
At the online dietician practice Eet & Experience of dietician Joyce Bijl you can receive specialized dietary and nutritional advice for following the FODMaP restricted diet and the SIBO diet.
In addition, I occasionally guide clients with advice for:
- Nutrition for stomach and intestinal problems
- Healthy food
- Strengthening after Corona
irritable bowel syndrome (pds) - fodmap.
The low FODMAP diet is an investigational diet in people diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In 75% of the people who follow this diet, the complaints diminish and in some the complaints even disappear completely. Usually this requires more than just the diet. FODMAP stands for fermentable, oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols. These are all groups of carbohydrates, which can cause complaints in the intestines. This is because they are not properly digested and absorbed in the gut in people with IBS. This can cause problems (pain, nausea, gas, constipation, diarrhoea). By following the FODMAP-restricted diet, the complaints can disappear and it is also possible to see which groups of foods are well and perhaps less well tolerated. This is investigated with an elimination (omit) – introduction (again again) diet.
30-40% of all Dutch people regularly suffer from little or a lot of abdominal pain or intestinal complaints. When no cause is clear from research, doctors often say that the diagnosis is IBS and that the patient has to learn to live with it. The FODMaP-restricted diet has been available for these people for a number of years. The FODMaP-restricted diet is effective for symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The elimination phase lasts 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the reduction of the symptoms. After that, each group of carbohydrates is tested for 3 days within 5 days to see whether it is possible to enter without complaints.
For clients who already think they have insight into the causes of the complaints, elimination can also be used per group of carbohydrates.
In practice, I have extensive questionnaires at my disposal to inventory individual complaints and to see whether there is a shortage of nutrients.
Together with Jacqueline Gerrits (orthomolecular dietician in Malden) I have written four books about IBS and abdominal complaints:
FODMaP - Everything about IBS and misunderstood abdominal complaints - From advice and menus to lifestyle and more.., IBS & Stress, the Practical FODMaP Overview and SIBO.
In the 3rd revised edition (240 p) of FODMaP we describe all information about the food digestion, FODMaPs, weekly menus during the elimination and accompanying recipes. But also what you can do if a low FODMaP diet does not help you.
In 2021 we published the lists from the 2nd edition in a separate book: Practical FODMaP Overview. With the FODMaP lists, the overviews of the foods per FODMaP and a list of inulin in foods.
Order the books via the shop or feel free to contact us if you want more information.
IBS & Stress
Our 2nd book is IBS & Stress. A practical workbook with information about stress and the RELAX method to reduce stress in 7 steps. In my dietitian practice I regularly speak to clients with abdominal complaints, ranging from the upper abdomen, flatulence, and with problems with defecation. I then hear how unhappy they feel about this. They can no longer do what they want because they are too tired or because they really need to be near a toilet when they have the urge. A swollen stomach does not feel good in the clothing and strong-smelling winds often give rise to unpleasant situations.
You can order the books via the webshop or via
In my practice I offer you a trajectory of 3, 6 or 9 months to reduce your IBS complaints as much as possible. All consultations, determining the need for supplements at different times during these months, 2 two books, publications and any workshops that are held are included in the package price. Of course you can also ask all your questions in the meantime.
Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine - sibo.
The low FODMAP diet does not work enough for everyone with IBS. The complaints still (partly) persist. More needs to be done for these people. I already advise FODMaP to start using supplements and to reduce stress.
SIBO stands for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. In other words, too many bacteria in the small intestine in the wrong place. This can cause many problems (heartburn, nausea, gas, pain, but also constipation and diarrhea).
SIBO can be caused by food poisoning, an accident, an operation or by a return of intestinal contents from the large intestine. But also due to the use of medicines such as stomach acid inhibitors or antibiotics.
At SIBO, the use of supplements in addition to diet and medication is essential.
In addition to supplements and a diet, the treatment of SIBO often also consists of stress reduction and medicines prescribed by the general practitioner. These are 1 or more types of antibiotics that only work in the gut and possibly also prokinetics. These are medicines that use a broom function to strip empty intestines of the lining along the intestinal wall. Most prescription drugs are not covered by health insurance.
After 1 or more courses of antibiotics, a SIBO diet or a SIBO-histamine diet is started. In case of insufficient results, an elementary diet may also be necessary.
After these diets you start again with a gradual introduction of the low FODMaP diet. Usually not for 2-4 weeks but for a few months. If the complaints do not return, you can gradually switch back to more regular food.
Spices such as ginger and peppermint oil are used against cramps. Curcumin and allicin are often used to strengthen the intestinal function and oregano oil and berberine as natural antibiotics.
The therapies to be chosen depend on the cause of the complaints. Due to its complexity, the therapy does take a lot of time. In any case, count on another 6 to 9 months after the low FODMaP diet.
In March 2020, Jacqueline Gerrits and I released our 3rd book. A book about SIBO. The first Dutch book in which all information about SIBO is bundled.
We write our book for people with severe Irritable Bowel Complaints. We provide a lot of information, but with a clear table of contents we also want to create a reference work in which you can also find answers to questions and with which the dietitian who supervises you can also find information.
Do you want to order enzymes from Disolut (Intoleran)? Click on the link:
Metabolic screening or Braverman test
The metabolic screening consists of 4 or 5 questionnaires. These are an essential part of my working method. Based on the answers you give as a client, I can form a good picture of you as a person. In addition to your personal data, your personal history is also important.
But also which studies have taken place, which medicines you use, and so on.
If you only want limited advice, or advice focused on functioning, mindset, hormones, etc., the Braverman test alone is often sufficient.
In the packages I include all questionnaires 2 to 5 times in the guidance. Especially to be able to objectively determine changes.